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COSM 2: Cultural Entrepreneurship and Sustainability Management 5 ECTS is the 2nd course of the module on cultural management and sustainability values. It is aimed for sharing the Finnish, Nordic, national, regional and local perspective, with the involvement of private and NGO cultural scene actors, Humak alumni and Humak projects, Finnish and local partners, communities and cases related to culture and sustainability.
COSM 3: Cultural Management and 3 Dimensions of the Sustainability: Environmental, Social and Economice is the 3rd course of the module on cultural management and sustainability values, engaging the expertise from abovementioned research areas of sustainability. It’s aim is to acknowledge, adapt and strengthen the role of cultural managers in supporting the general sustainability movement, impacting people’s and industries’ pro-ecological behaviours, assisting all types of attempts to make our life more sustainable, ethical, responsible or balanced – in environmental, social and economic sense. And, finally this part of the module is also questioning the answers regarding cultural organizations and cultural professionals’ role in balancing their cultural ecosystems.